
Pragmatisism (English pragmaticism ) is the name that used Charles S. Peirce for his philosophy about the year 1905.

As the founder of pragmatism Peirce wanted to thus dissociate from the contents of which have been subsumed in the course of time under the name of pragmatism. Above all, he turned against the usefulness relativistic philosophy that was taught by many pragmatists as a basic principle of truth to the pragmatism ( For example, truth as " cash value " of William James ). The use as a slogan have meant that the term " has been abused in the most ungrateful manner, have to await the words when they fall into the claws of writers. " (CP 5.414 ). Ironically explained Peirce that he had decided to give " his child to kiss goodbye and leave it to a higher destiny, as he asks to comment on the precise purpose of expressing the original definition, the birth of the word ' pragmatisism ' note is the repulsive enough to be safe from kidnappers ".

In a letter he founded the distinction that under the philosophy of pragmatism now Schiller, James, Dewey, Royce, and others had to be taken. The theory introduced by him, the original form of pragmatism, should now called pragmatisism. The additional syllable the importance 'll characterized in more detail.

The marking his philosophy with the Pragmatic maxim remained unchanged even after the name change:
