
Procyon [ prokyɔn ] ( α Canis Minoris, Synonyms: Elgomaisa, Algomeysa, Ante Canis; ancient Egyptian Imi - chet - Sopdet ) is the brightest star in the constellation Small dog. At a distance of 11.4 light years, he is one of the closest to the Sun Star. The Greek name means " before the dog ". This indicates that it rises before Sirius, the Dog Star.


Procyon is part of the Wintersechsecks.

As Sirius is Procyon, a binary star - the main star Procyon A, a whitish- yellow main sequence star of spectral type F5, has a faint companion 11 size, Procyon B, which is a white dwarf. The orbital period of the binary system is 41 years.

Measurements of the satellite MOST unable to detect any oscillations (brightness fluctuations ) at Procyon. These should be measurable in so -called star quakes, which were expected at Procyon (→ helioseismology ).


Procyon is displayed in the flag of Brazil, where he represented the state of Amazonas.

  • Small Dog
  • Binary star
  • Individual star of first magnitude and brighter
  • Subgiant
  • White dwarf