
With pronation (Latin ) describing in medicine and anatomy, the inward rotation of the limbs. It is thus the counter-movement to supination.

Pronation of the forearm

The pronation movement of the forearm is realized by a rotary movement of radius ( spoke) about the ulna ( point). This movement is made possible by the radioulnar joint Proximal and Distal. The thumb so thus moves back to the inside ( medial), the hand to the rest position and the palm facing downwards. This movement is carried out primarily by two muscles:

  • Pronator teres ( round Einwärtsdreher )
  • Pronator quadratus (square Einwärtsdreher )
  • Musculus brachioradialis ( brachioradialis, pronate at the forearm supinated )

Pronation of the foot

Pronation is the foot twisting about its longitudinal axis in the lifted the outer edge of the foot and the inner border of the foot is lowered, without the heel moves. Pronation is also referred to as pronation or Einwärtskantung.

The pronation of the foot is a natural damping movement and a natural inward movement. The main reason for the pronation of the foot are the peroneus longus and peroneus brevis of. In the so-called over-pronation of the foot edge bends inwards a very strong and burdened with the ligaments, tendons and joints. This pronation can have various causes, such as a foot deformity ( countersunk or flat feet), obesity or excessive fatigue. Also, the pronation is more likely to run at beginners because the brace is not yet sufficiently trained. At the shoes then wear heavily in the medial region (mostly inside ) is apparent. A underpronation or also called supination, occurs less frequently. In supination the load is in the opposite direction. In running shoes, this through a higher wear in the lateral region (outer side) is visible. This can be caused by a hollow foot.

Almost all running shoe manufacturers offer models running shoe for supinator, pronate and Neutralfußläufer.

Superimposing with other movements

The pronation of the foot is overlaid by a abduction and dorsiflexion. This is related to the position of the axis of movement of the lower ankle. The superposition of the three movements pronation, abduction and dorsiflexion is also known as eversion.
