
Ptenochirus Jagori

Ptenochirus is a genus of bats with two species found in the Philippines.

  • Ptenochirus Jagori lives in almost the entire territory, with the exception of Palawan and smaller islands northeast of it.
  • Ptenochirus minor can be found north of it on Mindanao and several smaller islands.

P. minor reaches a head-body length of 8.5 to 10 cm and P. Jagori is having 9 to 13 cm in length slightly larger. The short tail is 0.4 to 1.4 cm long. The larger species attains a weight of 60 to 100 g The coat on the back of a dark brown color and is on the lighter underside. In contrast to the genus Cynopterus the animals have only one incisor in the lower jaw halves. In the upper jaw there is a fully developed and a rudimentary incisor per half of the jaw.

These bats usually stay in the rain forests or plantations and eat fruits and flowers. They rest in dense foliage or in caves. In mountains reaching 1300 meters above sea level.

After a gestation period of about four months of a cub and rarely twins is usually born. These are suckled for about three months. Five -year-old specimens were recorded, but presumably these bats live a little longer.

The IUCN lists both species as not threatened (Least Concern ).
