Qalawun complex

The grave complex al - Mansur Qalawuns is in Cairo and is an outstanding work of medieval art in Egypt. It consists of the actual Mausoleum, a madrasah and a hospital. The builder was Sayf al -Din Qalawun al - Alfi al - Mansur, the Sultan of the Mamelukes in Egypt from 1279 to 1290.

Construction is expected to be built in just 13 months. According to an inscription at the entrance of the complex dates from the 1284 and 1285th The hospital was the first part, which was built, followed by the mausoleum and the madrasa.

The mausoleum is located in the north of the plant. It is 21 x 23 m and consists of a hall with pillars, which in turn was topped by a dome. In the north, it was a minaret. The entrance was in the west and led a courtyard with Portici in the actual main hall. This is richly decorated with painted wood, marble, stucco and marble mosaics. The mihrab is among the largest in Egypt.

The madrasa is south of the mausoleum. She has an open courtyard and two Ivane. Here Fiqh according to the four Sunni teaching directions, Hadith and Koran exegesis was taught.

The Hospital agrees to the west. It consists of a large courtyard with a fountain. There were two swimming pools and many small rooms, where patients were housed. The hospital is now only preserved as a ruin.

