
A Quadrilateral ( quadrilatero ) is an arrangement of four forts, in which an attack on one of fortresses can always be disturbing influenced by one or more of the other.

The construction of a Quadrilateral was not possible everywhere. A convenient location was given to watercourses, which secure crossings were created to allow protected traffic between the forts. Such a design offered a weaker army the opportunity to escape an overpowering attack and yet not completely clear the field.

Best known is the northern Italian Quadrilateral Mantua - Peschiera del Garda -Verona- Legnano, which his fame as military operations Radetzky owed ​​1848. It should help to keep the areas belonging to Austria in northern Italy for the purposes of Austria. This Quadrilateral was strengthened by the fact that Peschiera and Mantua are connected by the Adige each other by the river Mincio, and Verona and Legnano, so that the western and the eastern side of the square also represents a natural obstacle, respectively.

Next are known, the Ottoman Quadrilateral in Bulgaria Silistra - Varna- Shumla - Rustchuk and its time Russian Nowogeorgiewsk -Warsaw - Iwangorod - Brest-Litovsk in present-day Poland and Belarus.
