Quarter sawing

A certain type is called schott dare to cut wood planks. Although the term seems his constituents after a noun to be, he is commonly used as an adjective.

The term originally comes from the coach-building, but it is used since the early 20th century, practically only in the wooden shipbuilding. A dare schott cut plank is predominantly radially sawn from the log. Since wood in the plane of the annual rings fades more than perpendicular to it, a venture schott cut plank in width is dimensionally stable. If such a plank is used in shipbuilding, the joints between the planks therefore vary less with the aging of the wood. Thus, the tightness of the vessel is higher than it would be with different cut planks.

Commercial boards or planks are generated by a tree trunk with a reciprocating saw in a stack is cut out of boards. The annual rings in the majority of such boards or planks cut to lie flat or at an angle to the flat side of the boards. Only the middle of the stack boards are venturing schott cut. If the goal is to obtain mainly dare schott cut boards, only the middle boards may be initially cut from the trunk. The remaining pieces on both sides of the outside must then be turned 90 ° and cut again. Other and more complex possibilities exist as well.
