Quinhagak, Alaska

Unorganized Borough


Quinhagak ( ' kwɪn hɑk ə ) is a village in the U.S. state of Alaska in the Bethel Census Area. The village of Quinhagak is located on the Kuskokwim Bay in the south of the Yukon - Kuskokwim delta at the mouth of the River Kanektok. Most of the inhabitants are Yup'ik Indians. The Yup'ik name is Kuinneraq, which means as much as new river management.


Quinhagak is an old village with its origin around 1000 AD. 1826 reported Gavril Sarichev in a diagram over the village. After the purchase of Alaska from Russia in 1867, the Alaska Commercial Company delivered annual food to the village. 1893 Moravian mission was established. At that time, many foreigners were in the village. 1905, a post office was opened, followed by a school 1909.


Quinhagak is dependent on air transport. There are plans for an expansion of the airport. A port and a dock were built recently.
