
As Rackelhuhn (or equivalent Rackelhahn ) hybrids between the black grouse and capercaillie ( Tetrao urogallus × Lyrurus tetrix ) are referred to. These occur sometimes in regions where both species often occur together. They are relatively rare, but well under natural conditions, the most common grouse hybrids. Due to their rarity was and is true to them as game special attention.

There always are birds that have emerged from a cross between black grouse and Auerhenne. Most striking the roosters, hens here are, however, probably fall because of their similarity with Birkhennen much rarer than hybrids. Due to the significant size difference between intersections grouse and Birkhenne come under natural conditions probably did not exist and were in captivity be brought about only by fixing the hen and artificial insemination. Rackelhühner are very limited fertile, it was in a case in captivity but a hybrid second generation - a cock, which originated from a cross between a Rackelhahn and a Auerhenne - proven.


The name " Rackelhuhn " was probably taken over by the Swedish Rackelhanar. After Abraham Gotthelf Kästner, who translated in 1744 a description of this hybrid from Swedish, the name goes back to the word Rachla ( = clearing of the throat, snoring, wheezing ). This refers to the voiced utterances to be also referred to as a " doctor blade coating ." They are composed of both vocalizations of black grouse and capercaillie, and from a very peculiar guttural sound sequence, the similarity is said with Schweinegrunzen.


Male hybrids between black grouse and Auerhenne are in looks and size between the two species. The body length is given as 65-75 cm.

Head, anterior neck area, chest and sometimes the front back shimmer on a black background metallic coppery red-violet to. The throat feathers are elongated. Back, shoulder feathers and wing-coverts are brownish-black with lighter Kritzelung. The wings are dark brown with rust- brown mottling. The secondaries wearing a whitish tie and a white lace hem. White games can also be found on coverts and bend of wing. The tail is similar to the black grouse, but is cut less deep and sometimes shows white hems. The bill is blackish horn color, the iris brown. A zoom drawn under artificial conditions of hybrid grouse and Birkhenne more in appearance not substantially.

The body length of the hybrid hen is given as 55-60 cm. Breeding experiments showed that the hens always resembled the paternal side. Rackelhennen ( black grouse × Auerhenne ) resembled Birkhennen - with narrow cross bands and without the typical Auer hens reddish brown coloration of the breast.


Already in 1744 the Rackelhanar of GA of Rods ski öld been described as a hybrid between black grouse and Auerhenne and also by Carolus Linnaeus in 1758 he is mentioned. A comprehensive description provided Adolf Bernhard Meyer 1887. He also lists a first description of the hen of 1824, was previously only speculated about their appearance.
