Radio Tarifa

Radio Tarifa is a Spanish music group from Madrid. Radio Tarifa was founded in the late 1980s by Fain Sánchez Dueñas, Benjamín Escoriza and Vincent Molino. Dueñas and Molino previously played already in the group Ars Antiqua Musicalis.


Radio Tarifa plays " pan-Mediterranean world music" with traditional instruments, rarely electrically amplified, using elements of Spanish, Arabic and medieval music. The group's name suggests this by reference to Tarifa, Morocco, the nearest city in Spain, at.

The pieces are mostly composed herself and texted. You will use instruments from different musical worlds, eg from the Orient, the darbuka, the ney or the oud, the Krummhorn or the Indian bansuri flute, but also the electric guitar or the Hammond organ.

