Rainer Küchl

Rainer Küchl ( born August 25, 1950 in Waidhofen an der Ybbs ) is an Austrian violinist.


With 11 years Küchl began studying the violin with Franz Samohyl 1964 at the Vienna Academy of Music. In December 1970, Rainer Küchl than twenty years old, committed on the basis of a sample game as concertmaster of the Orchestra of the Vienna State Opera and the Vienna Philharmonic and followed in this function at the beginning of 1971, the entering into retirement Professor Willi Boskovsky after.

In 1972, Küchl the position of concertmaster of the court orchestra. In 1973 the foundation of the Küchl Quartet ( internationally known as Wiener Musikverein Quartet ), 1982 was appointed full professor of violin at the Vienna Academy of Music, 1985, the takeover of the management of the Vienna Ring ensembles, which are primarily with waltz music employed in accordance with the Vienna Philharmonic tradition.

Professor Rainer Küchl plays on the Chaconne, a 1725 built by Antonio Stradivari violin, which is kindly provided to him by the Austrian National Bank.

Awards, Prizes
