Ramón Castillo

Ramón S. Castillo Barrionuevo ( born November 20, 1873 in San Fernando del Valle de Catamarca, Argentina, † October 12, 1944 ) was an Argentine politician and president of the country.

At eighteen, he began his studies of law.

In the late 1930s he was - appointed as Minister of Justice in the government of President Roberto María Ortiz - after a career as a senator of the province of Tucumán. Later, he was appointed Vice President.

Castillo took over in 1942 the Office of the ailing Roberto Ortiz. Domestically, he pursued an authoritarian, right-wing course. He failed to obtain the political tensions and infighting within the state and the army under control. Although he nationalized the Erdgasindustie, his government pursued generally a ordoliberalen course in economic issues.

In foreign policy, he sympathized with the Third Reich and National Socialism, but pursued officially a neutral course. Within the government and the military, there was increasing tensions, which had the coup by the fascist oriented GOU ( Grupo de Oficiales Unidos ) from June 4, 1943 against the government Castillo result.

Castillo died in 1944 near Buenos Aires.

  • President ( Argentina)
  • Argentine
  • Born 1873
  • Died in 1944
  • Man