
59.44428924.510411Koordinaten: 59 ° 27 'N, 24 ° 31' O

Rannamõisa ( German Strandhof ) is a village (Estonian küla ) in the Estonian rural community Harku ( Hark ) in Harju County ( Harrien ). It is located on the Baltic Sea west of the Estonian capital Tallinn. It has 531 inhabitants (as of 2007 ).

Rannamõisa was first mentioned in documents in 1428. The place at that time bore the name Leppesgude. 1589 the manor Rannamõisa was first mentioned. The last mansion was built as a single-storey stone building in the early 19th century. It was demolished in the 1970s. Now houses a modern villa in its place; some outbuildings west of the main house but are still partially preserved.

From the 18th century Rannamõisa gained more and more as a resort on the Gulf of Finland importance. In the 19th century summer homes and day-trippers emerged from the city came to rest in the up to 35 m high cliff. Since 1959 Rannamõisa is the conservation area.

The Church of Rannamõisa was built in 1901 and consecrated in 1905. A modern community center was the beginning of the 21st century. Rannamõisa was also known by the café Merepiiga ( "Mermaid " ), who built the renowned Estonian architect Voldemar Herkel in the 1960s. It was destroyed by fire in 1992.
