Rapid River (Washington)


Template: Infobox River / BILD_fehlt

The Rapid River is a tributary of the Beckler River in the U.S. state of Washington. It is 21 km langund has a catchment area of 106 km ².


The Rapid River rises at Grouse Lake, several kilometers east of the Beckler River. The Rapid River flows eastward, turns south, southwest and finally west. From Lake Janus and the western slopes of Jove Peak flow several smaller rivers in the Rapid River. Other flow to him from also located on the crest of the Cascade Range Union Peak. The Pacific Crest Trail follows the ridge and parts of the Rapid River riverbed. Both the Jove as the Union Peak and which belong to the high foothills of the Cascade mountain range, separating the catchment area of ​​the Rapid River from that of the Little Wenatchee Rivers. While the waters of the Rapid River ultimately in the Puget Sound flows, flows the Little Wenatchee River, over the Wenatchee River in the Columbia River from its source, which is located near the crest of the Cascade Range, the Rapid River flows southwest and west, where it receives several tributary rivers. One of these inflows coming from the north and in turn receives inflow from two lakes named Lake Cup and Saucer Lake ( " cups and Untertassensee "). The Rapid River makes a northward turn. The North Fork Rapid River arises miles further north, its headwaters spring from the Pear Lake, Peach Lake and Grass Lake, near the Wenatchee pass on the crest of the Cascade Range. Some of the larger mountains in the catchment area of ​​Rapid River, for example Valhalla Mountain, Scrabble Mountain, Scorpion Mountain, Sunrise Mountain, Evergreen Mountain, Grizzly Peak and Fortune Mountain. In terms of flow size and flow volume is the true source of the South Fork Skykomish River Rapid and Beckler River, although the South Fork retains its name above the confluence with the Beckler River.
