Ras al-Jinz

22.43133333333359.782388888889Koordinaten: 22 ° 25 ' 53 "N, 59 ° 46' 57" E

Ras al - Jinz (Arabic رأس الجنز Ra 's al - Dschinz, DMG ra ʾ s al - ǧinz ) is a place south of Sur on the coast of Oman. The place is known for its access to the breeding grounds of sea turtles, especially green turtles. The coastal strip is designated as a nature reserve and accessible through a visitor center with hotel. Main time for oviposition in this area are the months of June to November. However, could be observed in the deposition of the eggs and hatchlings from their eggs on the beach all year round adult females, though not in such large numbers as in the main months.

Females after oviposition

Newly hatched young


  • Oman Off- Road Explorer 2009. ISBN 978-976-8182-48-7, pp. 264