Rational Synergy

Rational Synergy is a software version control and configuration management (English Configuration Management CM) of source code and other files needed for software development. It was originally called Continuus / CM until 2000, the company Continuus was bought by Telelogic. Telelogic develops and distributes the product since then under the name Synergy. In April 2008, IBM Telelogic took over. All software products are part of the IBM Rational software portfolio.

Task-based configuration management

The task-based approach (English task, " task order" ) enables teams, work orders (work tasks) to generate the ( change requests ) associated to defects or change requests. When developers work on specific tasks, the affected objects (file versions ) are automatically assigned to the task and pass with him in the development process. Because configurations and releases (releases ) can be created by combining a number of tasks, Synergy allows complete traceability ( traceability ) of the implementation of change requests and bug fixes in a particular build.

Transparent configuration management

An additional product called ActiveCM provides a more modern view of the version management Represents the tool runs in the background and tracked edits as well as adding, removing, or renaming files. Thus, a simple usable interface for non-developers is provided, which is useful for the introduction of initiatives such as CMM or CMMI.


A further extension of Synergy is multisite, DCM (distributed configuration management, distributed configuration management ). This allows different sites source code, tasks, change requests and process definitions exchange. The replaced elements can be defined via the graphical user interface. Filter ensure that only certain information with other sites to be replaced, which is important both for reasons of safety as well as to the efficient use of the available network bandwidth.

Support of development processes

Synergy defines pre- development processes and different roles (eg developer or build manager ), but can be adapted to the needs of specific projects.

Community in Germany

Since 1999, she German Synergy users meet (product name for time of establishment Continuus from the same manufacturer) on a regular basis to exchange ideas and to formulate requirements for the tool. Launched by the MATERNA user community is organized by manufacturer independent and informally. Attendance at the user meeting is open to everyone and is free of obligations. The locations for the user meeting change, found in the past, but mostly in the metropolitan areas of Dortmund and Munich.
