Razi style

The Rasi - style (Persian سبک رازی, IPA: sæbk ɛ ɾɑzi ) is a traditional Iranian architecture. In chronological order, he is the fourth Iranian architecture style after the Parsi, Condensed and Chorassani style. Although he is originally from the north of Iran, it has been turned into Ray. The outstanding buildings of this style were built in Ray, but completely destroyed by the looting by Mahmud of Ghazni.

The work of construction dates back to the era of Ziyariden and lived on through the Buyids, Seljuk, Salghuriden eras up to the era of the Khorezm Shah. Towards the end of the era of Chorassani style, there are buildings whose appearance is similar to the Rasi style. Of these buildings, the Samanids mausoleum, Arsalan Dschaseb Mausoleum and the minaret Ajax are worth mentioning. They are considered a link between the Chorassani style to which they are assigned time, and the Rasi style.

In Rasi - style buildings with various functions, such as grave towers were built and Mile. The construction of the grave towers was mostly quadrangular, pentagonal (eg Baba Rokn ed- Din mausoleum in Isfahan), hexagonal, octagonal, cylindrical, simple or serrated or not ( for example Gonbad -e Qaboos ). In Turanposcht in the province of Yazd, there is the pentagonal and hexagonal towers.

In Rasi - style, some mosques, in their Schabestanen there were columns, changed to a four - Ivan courtyard. The Ivan is a space that comes from the pre-Islamic period and in Rasi style was used again. The changes were made by the removal of the standing in the vicinity of the central columns, and columns mihrabs in the central space. An example of this is the Friday Mosque of Isfahan, a Schabestan with columns possessed by the former, created in Chorassani - style plan. Another example is the Friday Mosque of Ardestan. Some believe that the Friday Mosque of Saware was the first mosque that was changed into a mosque with four- Ivan courtyard, but the research show that there had been previously a different construction.

Other examples of the Rasi style:

  • Kharaghan - grave towers
  • Rebat -e- Sharaf
  • Gonbad -e- Sorch