Red Rooster

Red Rooster ( German: Red Rooster ) is an Australian fast food restaurant chain that specializes in the sale of fried chicken, french fries and other chicken products.

The Kailis family opened in 1972 its first " Red Rooster " in Kelmscott, a suburb of Perth. In 1992, " Red Rooster " bought the fast food chain "Big Rooster " to expand into the eastern states of Australia. These transactions were renamed " Red Rooster ". In 2002, Red Rooster was taken over by "Australian Fast Foods ". Meanwhile, there are 290 " Red Rooster " restaurants in New South Wales, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory.

By the late 1990s, the restaurants were only open from noon to 21 clock. Meanwhile, Red Rooster has a breakfast menu introduced in order to meet the competition of the market leader McDonald's in this regard. Red Rooster now also offers meals with less fat and salt to meet the growing demand for healthier food justice.
