Rembrandt (Iowa)

Buena Vista County


Rembrandt is a city in Buena Vista County in the northwestern part of the U.S. state of Iowa. The town has 228 inhabitants and is located just south of Sioux Rapids.


The city has connection to U.S. Highway 71 and Iowa Highway 10 at the


The average age of the citizens of Rembrandt is 37 years, the proportion of under-18s was in the census in 2000 at 28.5 %. The Census Bureau also determined that among the over -18s to 100 women - statistically speaking - 94 men come.

The average household income is 34,375 U.S. dollars, the median income for a family is $ 50,417. Men earn on average $ 31,500, while the average women make it $ 17,500. The per capita income is $ 17,248. 4 % of the population and 0% of families are below the poverty line. The ethnic composition of the population is made of 100 % White.

37.7 % of the population is German, 16.2% Irish, 14 % Norwegian, 13.6% British, 10.5% American and 5.7 % of French descent.

  • Location in Iowa
  • Location in North America
  • Buena Vista County