Remy Chauvin

Andrew Joseph Rémy Chauvin ( born October 10, 1913 in Toulon, † December 8, 2009 in Sainte -Croix -aux -Mines, Haut-Rhin ) was a French biologist and entomologist last honorary professor emeritus at the Sorbonne. There was also interested in topics such as parapsychology, afterlife, extrasensory perception and UFOs. He has published more than 50 books, mostly for ethology. Known to the German public, he was through translations of his nonfiction.


As the son of the biologist Mary- Louise Taupin he attended high school at the University of Laval, then studied four years of medical school and taught at the Sorbonne. He worked examples to bees and other insects. In 1977 he was co-founder of the French League for Animal Rights.


As a biologist, he took to Darwinism and sociobiology a critical position. His curiosity about parapsychological studies and related publications attracted criticism from skeptics up.


  • Animals among animals, 1967
  • The world of insects, 1967
  • The highly gifted: How do we identify and promote gifted children in 1979?
  • Remy Chauvin, Patrick Serres: The Dance of the Bees, 2001, ISBN 2951741219