
Repression (Latin: re " back ", " back "; primers " push ", "push" ) is a synonym for repression, inhibition, suppression. Depending on the context, can also be meant:

  • In history, the phase of the South American military dictatorships in the 1970s and 1980s (Spanish: La represion ), see also Operation Condor
  • In Genetics preventing the transcription of a gene by a repressor protein (see also gene regulation )
  • In psychology refers to a certain kind of repression to deal with threatening situations, see repression and Sensitization
  • In the police action, the task of law enforcement in order official occasions
  • In politics in the context of national, criminal action - the oppression or persecution of groups or individual citizens because of political motives
  • In international politics than retaliation a coercive measure taken by a state against another state to move this task to a (possibly alleged ) infringement of international law

See also:

  • Retorsion
  • Punitiveness
  • Sanction
  • Talion
  • Disambiguation