Reseda lutea

Gelber Wau ( Reseda lutea)

The Yellow Wau ( Reseda lutea), also known as Yellow rocket or Yellow Mignonette, is a plant of the genus Reseda in the family of Resedagewächse ( Resedaceae ). It is one of Germany's Archaeophytes.


The Yellow Wau grows as a deciduous, annual to perennial herbaceous plant, reaching heights of growth from 30 to 70 cm. The upright, rich leafy stems may be simple or branched. The Yellow Wau has one to two times fiederteilige or three-part leaves with long, narrow sections and narrow, usually wavy or curly edge. The basal leaves are arranged like a rosette. Wilt relatively soon.

The odorless flowers are on short stalks in the beginning, later extended dichtblütigen racemose inflorescences. The hermaphrodite flowers are rarely five, mostly sechszählig double perianth. The rare five-, six petals are usually bright yellow. The stamens open sequentially and lead growth movements. Pollination is by insects, also self-pollination occurs. The flowering period extends from June to September.

The upright capsule fruits are elongated with a length of 8 to 15 mm.

Distribution and habitat requirements

The Yellow Wau is widely used in Europe. In Austria it is very common in Germany spreads to the south, scattered in the north as a neophyte (especially in railways and ports ).

The Yellow Wau preferably occurs in nutrient-rich herbaceous and perennial weeds corridors, but also settled next halbruderale couch grass dry warm locations and dry and semi-dry grasslands. He is a pioneer Unprocessed. It grows in the hill and montane zone.

The Yellow Wau is a half- light plant, a Trockniszeiger, growing on moderately nitrogen-rich sites and a Ordnungscharakterart requiring heat and drought yield forming Ruderalfluren ( Onopordetalia acanthii ).


  • Manfred A. Fischer (ed. ): Exkursionsflora for Austria, Liechtenstein and South Tyrol. Upper Austrian Landesmuseum, Linz 2005, ISBN 3-85474-140-5.
  • Heinz Ellenberg: Vegetation of Central Europe and the Alps. 5th edition. Ulmer- Verlag, 1996, ISBN 3-8001-2696-6.
  • Schmeil - Fitschen: The Flora of Germany interactively. Source and Meyer, Wiebelsheim 2004, ISBN 3-494-01368-3.
  • Gelber Wau. In: