Revue de synthèse

The Revue de synthèse is founded in 1900 by Henri Berr under the name Revue historique de synthèse French history magazine. Since its inception, various publishing partners were involved. Today it is sold in both paper and electronic version of the French branch of the Springer publishing house in Paris.

History of the Revue

Henri Berr founded the Revue de synthèse in 1900 to counteract the negative effects of extreme specialization and partitioning of the various scientific disciplines. The revue was a space for interdisciplinary encounters between philosophers and historians, geographers and sociologists, and could soon establish itself as a major scientific journal. She had a major role in the emergence of a new historiography relating more specifically in the publication of the encyclopedic series L' l'Evolution de l' Humanité under the direction of Henri Berr and Lucien Febvre and 1929 by Lucien Febvre and Marc Bloch founded Annales d' histoire économique et sociale reflected.

The revue consists of several series, and appeared in the first 1900-1913 and Henri Berr's original project corresponded. Parallel to the establishment of the series L' l'Evolution de l' Humanité published ten years later, from 1913 to 1930, the second series. She led the objectives of the Revue historique de synthèse continued and extended this to the former debates on the renewal of mathematics and physics, philosophy and the history of science as well as the emergence of new orientations in the social sciences. The revue was the organ of the Foundation ( PDF; 477 kB) " pour la science " and was founded by Henri Berr 1925 Centre international de synthèse. A few years later they took a change and re- appeared as the third series, from 1931 to 1985 under the title of Revue de synthèse.

Under this title, the Review is published today. The realignment in 1931 coincided with the founding of the Annales. The Revue de synthèse published from now on philosophical, history of science, social science and humanities work, while the newly founded Annales Contributions from the Economic and Social History published. The 1986-2001 published fourth series was released as the previous series in partnership with the publisher, Éditions Albin Michel. Given dwindling certainties in the field of economic and social history they aimed to revive the intellectual history and the history of science. The initiative for this came from Jacques Roger, Ernest Coumet and Jean -Claude Perrot. After these 16 years, the Revue finally tied again at their initial question: how can formulate taking into account the current needs of the philosophical critique and the requirements of mathematics, physics and biology, the agenda for the history and the social sciences? In partnership with the publishing house Éditions Rue d' Ulm University Ecole Normale Supérieure of appeared from 2002 to 2006, a fifth series. It continued the long tradition of conscientious and exact study of the encounters between different, but not necessarily cohesive disciplines and critical inventory of the natural sciences and the social sciences. A century after its founding, the Revue de synthèse stock of the transformations that have experienced the relationships between the disciplines, and the specific technical and economic renewal of scientific journalism. 2007 followed by the establishment of a sixth series, which is published together with the Springer -Verlag and continues the work of the magazine on the international scientific stage. "We have realized the ideal of a publication ," wrote Henri Berr already 10 years after the foundation, " which constantly renews itself and its effect is always aware. "

1913 (2nd Series) © Fund. "Pour la science "

1936 (3rd Series) © Fund. "Pour la science "

1945 (3rd Series) © Fund. "Pour la science "


In the self- representation of the Revue de synthèse the current activities of the journal are described as follows:

"Thanks to the participation of scientists from France and abroad gathered the Revue de synthèse today works from the history of ideas, epistemology, philosophy, sociology, economic, social, legal and cultural history. Your goal is the impetus of reflections at the interface between philosophy, science, history and general history as well as promoting research and exchanges on questions which concern the fundamentals of the social sciences, the renewal of scientific research and the development of new, separate paths for the history of ideas. " " To this end, the revue explores the history dated cognitive activity of scholars, philosophers, rulers or ministers of religion; they divided the development of concepts and ideas in the classic sense of the word, again in their genetic milieu one: the anthropological, linguistic, institutional and social environment, making it possible to express these concepts and ideas and spread. In short, the Revue de synthèse measures the history of intellectual work in very special meaning. It attempts to shed light on the criteria for the scholarship in the social sciences. Among the French and international publications you come thus in a unique position to. "

Source: Information Revue in the French Centre National du Livre, dissemination by the contractor.

Stronger than ever links the Revue de synthèse in the performance of its mission today, against the backdrop of changing subdivisions of disciplines in France and abroad, in their very own function. At the interface between philosophy, history, natural sciences and social sciences, it is a key player for the training of future scientists. Your existing since 2007 partnership with the scientific publisher Springer -Verlag it easier for the Revue to get involved on an international level.

Such renewals are the editors according to the Revue without a reflection on the way that the expert has traveled in the 20th century, not possible. To undertake it therefore promotes since the early 1990s, work on the history of science and the history of intellectual work in the last century: by organizing study days, providing their archives at the Institute mémoires de l' édition contemporaine ( IMEC ) in Normandy, the publication textbooks and carried out in collaboration with the French National Library Bibliothèque nationale de France digitization of their body.

The management of the Revue de synthèse located since 1995 at Éric Brian. Elaborated it is ( as of end of 2007 ) since 2007 by an editorial team of Laurie Catteuw, Étienne Anheim, Vincent Bontems and Valérie Tesnière. To the Editorial Committee include Charles Alunni, Claude Blanckaert, Michel Blay, Dominique Bourel, Philippe Boutry, Jean -Pierre CLERO, Jochen Hoock, Dominique Margairaz, Pierre- François Moreau, Jean -Claude Perrot, Dinah Ribard, Olivier Remaud and Jean -Marc Rohrbasser. In the article " Travail et de synthèse diversité des langues / synthesis work and diversity of languages", who opened the issue No. 1 of 2007, and is published in both French and English, the prospects for the sixth series are described.

The Revue de synthèse is being published simultaneously as an electronic version and a print medium. From the first edition of 2008, it is published quarterly and report each either on a long-term scientific problem or present a current research topic including additional texts or relevant documents. Critical reviews, research chronicles, summaries and reviews make up a large part of the magazine.

1990 ( 4th series ) © Fund. "Pour la science "

2001 ( 4th series ) © Fund. "Pour la science "

2004 ( 5th Series) © Fund. "Pour la science "
