
65.446111111111 - 22.208055555556Koordinaten: 65 ° 27 'N, 22 ° 12' W

The rural community Reykhólar ( Isl Reykhólahreppur, isl. Reykhólar "smoking hills " ) is south of the Westfjords region in northwestern Iceland.

On 1 January 2009 the municipality had 280 inhabitants, of whom 134 lived in the main village Reykhólar.


The municipality is situated on the Breiðafjörður and is intersected from west to east of the foothills, the fjords Kjálkafjörður, Kerlingarfjörður, Skálmarfjörður, Kvígindisfjörður, Kollafjörður, Djúpifjörður, Þorskafjörður, Berufjörður, Króksfjörður and Gilsfjörður.

The main town Reykhólar is on the Reykjanes Peninsula. North-east of the village lies the mountain range of the idiosyncratic Vaðalfjöll.


Settlements on the site of the present Reykhólar are detectable since the Conquest period. In July 1987, the four rural communities Geiradalur ( Isl Geiradalshreppur ) Gufudalur ( Isl Gufudalshreppur ) Múli ( Isl Múlahreppur ) and Flatey were incorporated ( Isl Flateyjarhreppur ).

Population Development

The decrease in population from 1997 to 2006 was 25%.

Daughters and sons

  • Gestur Pálsson (1852-1891), Icelandic writer and journalist