
The Rhinluch is a fen landscape in the German state of Brandenburg, crossed by the eponymous river Rhine and located north of Fehrbellin in Ostprignitz - Ruppin. The upper Rhinluch comprises approximately 23,000 hectares. The name component Luch referred several wetlands in the state of Brandenburg, in whose waters the water upstream of the system of modern drainage systems was more than flowed.

The Rhinluch was formed in the last ice age and the post-glacial period. First, the Eberswalde glacial valley formed about 16,000 years ago as outflow path of the meltwater of glacial ice. This large river valley coincided with the further back the glaciers during the Ice Age still dry. In some places in today's Rhinluch initially formed lakes, especially in the area of Toteiskesseln. These were over time by the natural silting process bogs. It came in the post-glacial period for large-scale formation of Versumpfungsmooren who grew up right on the sand of the glacial valley. Only under the influence of these people Moore were redesigned in the context of amelioration measures to meadows and pastures. The eastern foothills of the Rhinluch is the Kremmener Luch.

In Rhinluch the extremely rare European pond turtle is located.

The Brandenburg poet Theodor Fontane describes the Rhinluch in his wanderings through the Mark Brandenburg as:

" As the Havel country is the center Alt- Brandenburg, the Luch in turn forms the center of the Havel country. This is about fifty square miles; in these fifty square miles stuck the twenty-two square miles of lynx as a core in the shell. However, the shape of this core is not round, not oval or elliptical, but mushroom-shaped; like a mushroom with a short thick stem, broad umbrella-shaped roof and a large spherical root. The longitudinal section of such a fungus clear which form occupies the Luch. The Luch consists of two halves of an umbrella-shaped - northern and southern - spherical, both because where the short stalk of the fungus is running, close meet. The umbrella-shaped half Rhinluch means that the spherical Havelländische Luch. The link between the two has no special name. This relatively narrow, the stalk of the fungus corresponding link is created by the fact that her sandy plateaus have pushed into the Luchgrund of right and left. These sand plateaus lead wohlgekannte name; the east is the historic Ansehn came to besondrem ' Ländchen Bellin ', the western is called ' Ländchen Friesack '. These two ' little country ' are ancient seats of culture, and their capitals, Fehrbellin and Friesack, have already been mentioned, as both Luche still resembled a lake that dried together in the summer time to an unhealthy, unsafe Wetlands. "
