Rhomboid major muscle

The muscle rhomboid major ( Latin for " large diamond-shaped muscle " or " large diamond muscle ") is a skeletal muscle and part of the back muscles.

The muscle originates on the spinous processes of the first to fourth thoracic vertebra and sets at the dorsal edge of the scapula ( medial border ) to. The muscle rhomboid major is covered by the trapezius muscle. Along with this muscle he fixed the scapula on the thorax and pull it toward your spine.

In humans, the muscle rhomboid major is the muscle rhomboid minor compared. In veterinary anatomy of the muscle rhomboid muscle rhomboid other hand, is in a thoracis, cervicis muscle rhomboid muscle rhomboid capitis and divided the muscle rhomboid muscle rhomboid thoracis corresponds to the major.

A weakness of the rhomboid muscle shows up in humans in the expression of a scapula alata ( angel wings ), that is a protrusion of the medial edge of the scapula from the chest.
