Richard Seaver

Richard Woodward Seaver ( born December 31, 1926 in Watertown, Connecticut, † 6 January 2009) was an American publisher and translator and headed with his wife from 1988 to his death, the publishing company Arcade Publishing.


Seaver was born in Connecticut, and received his college degree from the University of North Carolina where he taught a short time. He then went to Paris and enrolled at the Sorbonne a thesis on James Joyce. There he met his future wife Jeannette Medina, whom he married in 1952. Prior to his return to the U.S., he spent two years in the Navy of the United States.

He and his wife moved to New York, worked from 1957 at the publishing house Grove Press, and there rose to editor in chief. After he was changed in 1971 to the publisher Viking Press, and the publisher Holt, Rinehart and Winston CEO was, he founded his own publishing Arcade Publishing.

He died January 6, 2009 of a heart attack.


Seaver translated many books from French into English. In addition to Jorge Semprun, Andre Breton and Alexander Trocchi, he also wore the classic of the Marquis de Sade.
