Richard Swineshead

Richard Swineshead (also: Richard Suisset, John Suisset, Richard Suiseth ) ( bl. 1340-1354 ) was an English mathematician, logician and natural philosopher.

He was one of the Oxford Calculators of Merton College, where he (possibly 1340) held the rank of Fellow in 1344.

His masterpiece was Liber calculationum (1350 ), a series of mathematical treatises.

Robert Burton (1577-1640) wrote in Anatomy of Melancholy, that Julius Caesar Scaliger and Gerolamo Cardano - " Suisset the Calculator " admired when someone ... qui pene modum excessit humani ingenii ("... whose talent was almost superhuman ").

Gottfried Leibniz wrote in 1714 in a letter to MM Remond de Montmorency: "Il ya eu un autrefois Suisse, qui avoit mathématisé dans la Scholastique: ses Ouvrages sont peu connus; mais ce que j'en ai vu m'a paru profond et considérable. ". ( "It was formerly a Swiss ( ) if, within the scholasticism operational mathematics: His works are little known, but which I have seen, seem to me profound and relevant. " ) Leibniz had a copy of one of the treatises of Swineshead from the Bibliothèque du Roi in Paris.

Girolamo Cardano (1501-1576) mentioned Swineshead (as John Suisset the Calculator ) in its list of the 12 greatest scholars.
