Richter-Veresov Attack

When Weressow - opening, sometimes referred to as judge - Weressow system, there is a opening of chess. It is among the Closed games to the queen's pawn games.

Named is the opening after the Soviet champion player Gavriil Nikolayevich Weressow (1912-1979), which they repeatedly applied them to USSR Championships from 1938. In German-speaking countries after the opening of Kurt Richter is mitbenannt. Richter played the opening in the 1920s and 1930s many, and was the one after Brinckmann, who " explored in detail for the first time ."

The main plan of this opening is to quickly pull e2- e4, only to put two pawns in the center, secure the space advantage.

There are transitions possible in, for example, the French defense, that is white will make a little open the possibility of bringing about a Semi-open or a closed game.
