
Rituvík [ ɹi tʊvʊik ː ] (Danish: Ridevig ) is a place of the Faroe Islands in the south of the east coast Eysturoys.

  • Population: 268 (1 January 2007 )
  • Postal Code: FO -640
  • Municipality: Runavíkar municipal

It has its name the village ( Rissa tridactyla, Faroese: Rita ) of kittiwakes and Vik, the word for Bay. So Rituvík means kittiwakes bay.

The town was founded in 1873. The present church dates from the year 1955.

Four kilometers further west is Runavík, the main town of the municipality. Six kilometers south you reach the village Æðuvík, the southernmost point of the island.
