
Rmdir (or rd) is a command in Unix, DOS, OS / 2 or Microsoft Windows, which deletes an empty directory. In Unix, Linux, and OS / 2, it is is case sensitive, in DOS does not.

Normal use as follows:

Rmdir directory name this is the directory name for the directory to be deleted is. With the option -p in the Unix directories above it are also deleted if they are empty.


Rmdir -p foo / bar / baz first deletes baz /, then bar / and finally foo /, ie, the entire directory tree.

Rmdir only removes empty directories in UNIX. Otherwise, the command rm is needed.

Rm -r foo / bar / baz   rm -rf foo / bar / baz In DOS or Microsoft Windows to exist, the command deltree.

Rd / s directory Web Links

  • Rmdir The program 's manpage
  • Microsoft TechNet article Rmdir

Chgrp | chown | chmod | cp | dd | df | dir | dircolors | install | ln | ls | mkdir | mkfifo | mknod | mv | rm | rmdir | shred | sync | touch | vdir

Cat | cksum | comm | csplit | cut | expand | fmt | fold | head | join | md5sum | nl | od | paste | ptx | pr | sha1sum | sort | split | sum | tac | tail | tr | tsort | unexpand | uniq | wc

basename | chroot | date | dirname | du | echo | env | expr | factor | false | groups | hostid | id | link | logname | nice | nohup | pathchk | pinky | printenv | printf | pwd | readlink | seq | sleep | stat | stty | tee | test | true | tty | uname | unlink | Forums | who | whoami | yes

  • UNIX software
  • DOS operating system component