Robbie Blunt

Robbie Blunt is a British rock guitarist who played, among others, in the bands of Stan Webb, Robert Plant and Julian Lennon.

Blunt began his career in 1966 with a group called "Southern Sound". After that he played in " Butch Clutch & the Excellerators ", " Bronco " and " Silver Head ".

In 1975, he joined Stan Webb's Project Broken Glass, which, however, was only a short time. Blunt thereafter remained at Webb when he revived his original band Chicken Shack. The collaboration lasted until 1979.

The nearest stations Blunts were the bands ' Little Acre, "" The Steve Gibbons Band "and " Weapons of Peace ". From 1981 to 1985 he was with Robert Plant's " Honeydrippers ".

After Blunt played as a guest musician on many projects, so around 1998 in the band of Julian Lennon.
