Robert Dilts

Robert Brian Dilts ( born March 21, 1955) is an author, trainer and consultant in the field of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP ).

Robert Dilts was one of the working group headed by John Grinder and Richard Bandler, the founder of NLP, and was instrumental in the development. In addition to the two founders of NLP he also learned at the American psychologist and psychotherapist Milton H. Erickson and the anthropologist Gregory Bateson that shaped his future work. His works include basic approaches and ways of thinking about strategies and beliefs ( beliefs ). In addition, he combined the systemic therapy with NLP and so developed the Systemic NLP.

Since 1975 he has worked as a trainer of this programming. He developed the following models:

  • Meta - mirror - format for resolution of interpersonal communication disorders
  • S.C.O.R.E. - ( Symptom, Cause, outcome, resource, Effect)
  • Logical levels - The NLP model describes the " levels of change"