Robert Spencer (author)

Robert Spencer (born 1962 ) is an American writer and scholar of religion. In his books, he deals mainly with Islam and jihad. He is the founder and director of JihadWatch websites and Dhimmiwatch.


Spencer completed his Master's degree in Religious Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 1986. He is a Fellow of the "Free Congress Foundation".

Spencer decided to pursue a doctorate or professor title because - claims to be - " the studies on the Middle East were highly politicized and had moved away from honest academic work." He wrote several monographs on Islam for the Free Congress Foundation:

  • An Introduction to the Qur'an
  • Women and Islam
  • An Islamic primer
  • Islam and the West
  • The Islamic Disinformation Lobby
  • Islam vs. Christianity
  • Jihad in Context.

Currently, Robert Spencer of JihadWatch director. He was a member of the Christian - Islamic Forum, a Catholic group that has made it its mission to evangelize Muslims. His views on Islam have been published, among others, Vatican Radio, New York Post, The Washington Times, Canada's The National Post, FrontPageMag and WorldNet Daily.

He was a prominent participant in the 2007 Cologne Anti- Islamization Conference, where he met with leaders of the populist right-wing Vlaams Belang, to establish a transatlantic alliance by its own account. 2008 Spencer replied rejecting the criticism that he but not officially endorse parties, even Vlaams Belang and the rechtsexteme British National Party does not.

Run by Pamela Geller and Spencer organization Stop Islamization of America ( SIOA ) is of the Anti-Defamation League and the Southern Poverty Law Center as a so-called Hate Group (English: A group that incites hatred ) classified. Spencer is a member of the Melkite Greek Catholic Church. His grandparents emigrated because of religious persecution by Christians from Lebanon, which was then part of the Ottoman Empire, in the United States.


In his current work Spencer lays down the following propositions:

  • Because of its early history and the events in the life of Mohammed, he sees in Islam a higher propensity to violence than other world religions such as Christianity, Judaism and Hinduism.
  • The Koran must ( the traditions of the life of Mohammed ) and the early history of Islam to be read in the context of the hadith to the motifs of Islamic extremists like Osama bin Laden understanding and extremist organizations like al- Qaeda.
  • He describes Jihad as a central duty of every Muslim. Modern Muslim theologians have called many things as Jihad: the struggle within the soul, defending the faith against criticism, to support its dissemination and its defense financially, even immigrate to non-Muslim countries with the intention to spread Islam. Violent jihad is doing a constant of Islamic history.
  • Islamic fundamentalism is of a completely different nature than fundamentalism in Christianity or Judaism. Modern Christianity and Judaism would condemn extremely violent behavior within their own ranks. To this end, he cites the following examples: Christians are against abortion, but if a Christian trying to use bombs or violence to stop abortion, there is in the Christian community no sympathy for him.
  • In contrast, many moderate Muslims would refuse ( at least publicly ) to criticize extremist Muslims, since the roots of Islamic extremism would be in the Koran. In the interest of political correctness Islamic extremism will be ignored, belittled or misunderstood.

Jihad Watch

JihadWatch is an organization that was created by Spencer, because in his own words, "the West has to deal with a concentrated attempt by Islamist jihadis - whose motives and goals are largely ignored by the Western media - to destroy the West and force it to bring in the Islamic world and use violence to achieve this, even if their overall goal remains out of their reach. This test is generally referred to as jihad. "

Dhimmi Watch

Dhimmiwatch is a special section of the JihadWatch website that wants to do according to its own description " the public's attention to:

  • The fate of the dhimmis as an immense but completely ignored scandal that continues to this day in Muslim countries;
  • The plight of women under Sharia regulations, similar to those ratios that dhimmis must survive if they are denied equal rights and recognition;
  • Slavery in Islamic countries that continues to this day and is justified by the Shari'a;
  • The integral role of jihad and dhimmitude ideology in today's global terrorism,
  • The credit, the academic and journalistic spin doctors give the radical jihadist enemies of human rights. "

Ban on entry to the UK

The British government banned Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller from entering the United Kingdom.
