Rocky Mountain BASIC

HTBasic is a programming language, a BASIC dialect of TransEra Corp.. has been developed. The original purpose was to replace HP Basic. HTBasic was the first HP Basic - compatible language that could be used under MS -DOS. Current versions also offer typical Windows extensions such as window technology, new data types (LONG INTEGER, STATIC), improved driver support and the possibility of incorporation of DLLs.

The language is tailored to the needs of engineers and scientists. It contains functions for computing with complex numbers and matrices. Your greatest strength is that it allows easy access to test and measurement equipment, which over the GPIB bus (IEEE488) or other interfaces are connected to the computer. HTBasic can directly access Windows DLLs and can be extended indefinitely in the functions it. An optional interface to Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, Access, etc.) allows the real-time data exchange with other applications.

TransEras proprietary HTBasic interpreter is the only implementation of the language. It comes with an IDE, but has some flaws. For example, subroutines must always be inserted at the end of the source code, too long identifier ( 15 characters) to be trimmed, and data fields are to 32,768 entries in a max. 6 dimension limits ( field entries max. Therefore 32768 ^ 6). Unlike earlier versions, the current HTBasic HTBasic versions use line numbers only for compatibility reasons. For time-critical applications SUB routines can be converted into machine language with the integrated Numeric Compiler and thus significantly speed up (factor 60). With an older 500 MHz computer can be so complete 80 bit floating point arithmetic operations perform / s at least 80 million.
