
Origin of Rödel brook at Kilian pond

The Rödel Bach, partly as Rödel Bachgraben and erroneously referred to as Riesch ditch for mining purposes is a modified and eingebundener in the Lower Harz Pond and grave system stream.


The Rödel Bach was originally a natural creek. The artificial changes could be done within the Rödelbachtals at Strassberg in the 16th and 17th century due to mining activities. Some cards situate the original source on the right side of the middle Kilian pond (now part of the dam Kilian pond). The current origin is the outflow of the dam Kilian pond.

Just below the present-day Tees origin of Stoll trench from the pond francs.

The Rödel stream flows on to Maliniusteich where some of the water flows to the sedimentation zone around where it is with a further influx, probably a natural one, united. From the outflow of Maliniusteich the water flows over the Straßberger Mühlengraben in the Selke.


Directly behind the Maliniusteich the Rödel Bachgraben forms a waterfall. Visible traces of stone processing suggest an at least partially artificial origin. The water pours over staircase-like cascades, while not a very large difference in altitude overcoming.


The Rödel Bachgraben is fed from the opening into the bushes Killian pond digging. Below the Maliniusteich exist, some long since expired, inflows from drainage channels. In addition, the pond has additional small tributaries.

Directly behind the Killian pond branches of Stoll ditch from the right side. Behind the Maliniusteich branches on the right side from a short connecting passage to the tunnel trench - the waters are so connected to each other twice.


  • Karl -Heinz Krause: development and current role of plants in the historic mining water management in the Lower Harz. In: Wilfried Strenz, Working Group Historical Geography of the Geographical Society of the GDR ( ed.): Historical- geographical research in the GDR. Hermann Haack Geo- Cartographic Institute, Gotha, 1986, ISBN 3-7301-0803-4, DNB 870,795,007th