Rodulfo Brito Foucher

Rodulfo, partly Rodolfo Brito Foucher (* 1899 in Villahermosa, † 1970) was a Mexican lawyer and former rector of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México ( UNAM).


Brito graduated from the school at the Instituto de Juárez Tabasco and attained university entrance at the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria. Then he studied at the Escuela Nacional de Jurisprudencia ( enj ) and went there from 1923 as a lawyer.

From 1927 he lectured at the enj and was from 1929 professor and chair for the study fields of law and economics. In 1932 he became director of the enj, June 20, 1942 to July 27, 1944, rector of UNAM. In July, it came as part of the director elections at three faculties of UNAM to unrest that eventually found its climax with the death of a student. Due to this event Brito had to resign from the office of rector. In subsequent weeks, the university was temporarily headed by interim rectors and the Council of the Exrektoren.

Eguía Lis (1910-1913) | Lavista Chávez (1913-1914) | y Gama Cruz (1914-1915) | Natividad Macías (1915-1916) | Schultz (1916-1917) | Natividad Macías (1917-1920) | Caso Andrade (1920 ) | Davalos Balkim (1920 ) | Vasconcelos Calderón ( 1920-1921 ) | Silva y Aceves (1921 ) | Caso Andrade ( 1921-1923 ) | Lavista Chávez ( 1923-1924 ) | Pruneda García ( 1924-1928 ) | Castro Leal (1928-1929) | García Téllez (1929 ) | Lira López (1929 ) | García Téllez ( 1929-1932 ) | Medellín Ostos ( 1932-1933 ) | Morín Gómez ( 1933-1934 ) | Aragon (1934 ) | Ocaranza Carmona (1934-1935) | Chico Goerne (1935-1938) | Baz Prada (1938-1940) | De la Cueva (1940-1942) | Brito Foucher (1942-1944) | Ramírez Moreno (1944 ) | Aguilar Álvarez (1944 ) | Gual Vidal (1944 ) | " junta de Exrectores " (1944 ) | Caso y Andrade ( 1944-1945 ) | Fernández McGregor ( 1945-1946 ) | Zubirán Anchondo ( 1946-1948 ) | Garrido Díaz ( 1948-1953 ) | Carrillo Flores (1953-1961) | Chávez Sánchez (1961-1966) | Barros Sierra (1966-1970) | González Casanova (1970-1972) | Soberón Acevedo (1973-1981) | Rivero Serrano (1981-1985) | Carpizo McGregor ( 1985-1989) | Sarukhan Kermez (1989-1997) | Barnés de Castro (1997-1999) | Cortés Rocha (1999 ) | de la Fuente Ramírez ( 1999-2007 ) | Narro Robles ( 2007-2015 )

  • Rector (National Autonomous University of Mexico )
  • Legal scholars ( 20th century)
  • University teachers (National Autonomous University of Mexico )
  • Mexican
  • Born in 1899
  • Died in 1970
  • Man