
The Dolmen of Roknia located near the Algerian city Roknia, in the province of Guelma in Algeria. The approximately 3,000 stone tombs carved into cliffs and thousands of rock-cut tombs are spread over an area of about two km ². Almost all grave sites in Roknia were applied between the Neolithic and the Phoenician colonization of North Africa.

The French General Louis Faidherbe (1818-1889) visited the plant in 1868 under the anthropological point of view. His collection of skeletal remains and grave goods can be viewed at the National Museum of Bardo in Algiers. He claimed that the " Libyans " ( Berber ) were neither Semitic nor Hamitic but immigrated from the Baltics.

36.748797.20978Koordinaten: 36 ° 44 ' 56 "N, 7 ° 12' 35" E
