Roman Catholic Diocese of Amargosa

The Diocese of Amargosa (Latin: Dioecesis Amargosensis ) is a location in Brazil Roman Catholic diocese based in Amargosa, Bahia.


The Diocese of Amargosa was on May 10, 1941, Pope Pius XII. built out of territory of the Archdiocese of São Salvador da Bahia and this is a suffragan. On July 27, 1957, the Diocese of Amargosa were parts of its territory to the founding of the Diocese of Vitória da Conquista from. A further transfer of territory took place on 7 November 1978 foundation of the diocese Jequié.

Bishops of Amargosa

  • Florencio Cicinho Vieira, 1942-1969
  • Alair Vilar Fernandes de Melo, 1970-1988, then Archbishop of Natal
  • Nílton João dos Santos Souza, since 1988