Roman Catholic Diocese of Apatzingan

The diocese Apatzingán (Latin: Dioecesis Apatzinganiensis, Spanish: diócesis de Apatzingán ) is a location in Mexico Roman Catholic diocese based in Apatzingán.


The diocese Apatzingán was on April 30, 1962 Pope John XXIII. built with the Apostolic Constitution Quo aptius of annexations of the dioceses Colima and Tacámbaro and the Archdiocese of Morelia is a suffragan. On October 11, 1985, the diocese Apatzingán were parts of its territory from the foundation of the built with the Apostolic Constitution Cum sample diocese of Ciudad Lázaro Cárdenas.

Bishops of Apatzingán

  • Victorino Alvarez Tena, 1962-1974, then Bishop of Celaya
  • José Fernández Arteaga, 1974-1980, then Bishop of Colima
  • Miguel Patiño Velázquez MSF since 1981

Pictures of Roman Catholic Diocese of Apatzingan
