Roman Catholic Diocese of Goma

The Diocese of Goma (Latin: Dioecesis Gomaensis ) is a located in the Democratic Republic of the Congo Roman Catholic diocese based in Goma.


The Diocese of Goma was posted on June 30, 1959 by Pope John XXIII. built with the Apostolic Constitution Qui hominum from annexations of the Apostolic Vicariate of Bukavu as Apostolic Vicariate of Goma. On November 10, 1959, the Apostolic Vicariate of Goma was John XXIII. charged with the Apostolic Constitution Cum parvulum to the diocese and the Archdiocese of Bukavu is a suffragan.

Bishops of Goma

  • Joseph Mikararanga Busimba, 1960-1974
  • Faustin Ngabu, 1974-2010
  • Théophile Kaboy Ruboneka, since 2010