Roman Catholic Diocese of Terni-Narni-Amelia

The diocese of Terni (Latin: Dioecesis Interamnensis - Narniensis - Amerinus ) is a diocese located in Italy, the Roman Catholic church located in Terni.

It was founded in the 2nd century and united on April 12, 1907, the diocese of Narni, a bishopric from the 4th century, after which it was called the diocese of Terni and Narni. After the bishop had become since 1973 settled Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Amelia, it came on 13 September 1983 Association of the Diocese of Amelia with Narni, which changed its name on 30 September 1986 at Terni - Narni- Amelia.

The cartridge of the diocese are the Saint Valentine, Juvenal, Firmina and Mary.
