Roman Catholicism in Azerbaijan

The Roman Catholic Church in Azerbaijan is a very young mission church.

Grown between 2000 and 2002 from 150 to 200 faithful, she was born on 11 October 2000 mission sui juris and entrusted to the Salesians, which act there with two priests and a lay brother. The whole country ( the land area is 86,500 km ²), forming a single mission parish, which has its headquarters in Baku.

Azerbaijan and the Holy See have diplomatic relations. The seat of the Nuncio, who is also responsible for Armenia and Georgia, located in Tbilisi.

In the 14th century missionaries brought the Roman Catholic faith to Azerbaijan. Beginning of the 20th century there was a church in Baku, which consisted of Poles, Russians and Germans. The only priest was killed in the early 1930s, a year later, destroyed the only church. In 1997 a Slovak priest to Baku to plant a church. 2007 a ​​Roman Catholic church was opened. John Paul II visited in 2002 Azerbaijan.
