Romanus Pontifex

The papal bull Romanus Pontifex was adopted on January 8, 1455 by Pope Nicholas V.


In this bull the merits of Henry praised the sailors in the battle against the Saracens and in the spread of Christianity in the highest tones. In addition to the bull Dum Diversas were King Alfonso and his successors the Infante Henry the Navigator awarded the right to attack the Saracens, pagans and other enemies of Christianity, to make them perpetual slaves and take their property. Here, the Portuguese were given the exclusive right for the previously acquired territories and new conquests behind Cape Bojador. In turn, should churches in the new areas and monasteries are built and clergy administer the sacraments.


As in the 15th century failed expansion plans of Portugal to the military strength of the neighboring countries, the idea of ​​looking for a sea route to India in order to benefit from trade with Asia can be created.

Expeditions to explore the west coast of Africa were found to be complex and expensive. The cost is covered by the trade in African countries, with some countries making money was only by enslaving locals. In the maritime trade with Africa and Asia, however, was later also to reckon with the competition from other countries.

After the Infante and administrator of the Order of Christ Henry the Navigator was negotiating with the Pope and the church next mission promises offered also seats in the Portuguese government bodies, the bull was issued, by which the plans of the Portuguese were politically covered.



King Alfonso V had on October 5, 1455 at the Cathedral of Lisbon, the representatives of all foreign trade groups ( French, English, Castilian, Basque, Flemish ) the bull solemnly read.

By the bull had a trade monopoly for maritime trade in Asia and a legal basis to board foreign ships if necessary. When you trade in Asia was initially largely unaffected by competitors.

In 1600, however, succeeded the Dutch, Portuguese carrack apply a in the Straits of Malacca and to completely convert to Amsterdam. The auction brought a profit of 13 tons of gold. Now recognized the Dutch, the values ​​it was to bring in Asia.

In order founded in 1602 Dutch East India Company of international law, Hugo Grotius created 1604/1605 the legal opinion De jure praedae ( "On the pinch of law "). A chapter from 1609 under the title Mare Liberum ("the open sea " ) published. The Catholic Church indexed Mare liberum immediately, as it undermined the papal world order. This prevented the Calvinist Dutch but not from attacking Portuguese Asia.


After Vasco da Gama discovered the sea route to India in 1498, the Portuguese concentrated four decades on trade. Clerics were responsible only for the self-sufficiency of the Portuguese in Portuguese India.

Were as envoys of the Pope in Goa arrested and sent back, they threatened the Portuguese King John III. , To open the East for all Catholic Europeans. Around the year 1540 finally began the evangelization by the Jesuits in Goa. The missionaries were supported by the colonial administration, which baptized Christians offered perks.

From Goa from the mission spread to Asia.
