Rosemary Kyburz

Rosemary Annette Kyburz ( born April 16, 1944 in Sydney ) is an Australian politician. She was from 1974 to 1983 a member of the Queensland Parliament, representing the Liberal Party of Australia for Salisbury.

Kyburz was a known supporter of feminist concerns in the policy of the State of Queensland in the 1970s. She and her husband lost their seats as the Liberal Party in 1983 suffered a drastic fall.

Kyburz was born Rosemary Annette Plim in Sydney and bears the name of her first husband Rolf Kyburz, whom she married in Argentina. Kyburz married in her time as a Member of Parliament with the politician Rob Akers. This was the first time that incumbent members of parliament married to each other in Australia; Kyburz was also mother of the first child of an incumbent parliamentarian. She has two sons.
