Ruth Wedgwood

Ruth Wedgwood (* 1949) is an American lawyer.


Ruth Wedgwood is the daughter of labor law expert Morris P. Glushien and Anne Sorelle Williams (artist and translator ). Wedgwood studied at Yale Law School and Harvard University. In 1982, she married her classmate from Harvard, the Gesundheitsimmunologen Josiah Francis Wedgwood VII, a member of the Darwin - Wedgwood family. In 2009 she became a widow. She has a son Josiah Ruskin.

She is a member of the American Law Institute, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Institute for Strategic Studies, the Atlantic Council and the San Remo International Institute for Humanitarian Law. She holds the Edward B. Burling Chair in International Law and Diplomacy at the School of Advanced International Studies of Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC.

Works (selection)

  • International criminal law by Ruth Wedgwood, 2002
  • International Security and the European constitution, 1995
  • After Dayton lessons of the Bosnian peace process: a symposium council, 1999
  • A detailed assessment of the Bosnian peace process, Council on Foreign Relations and Yale University.
  • The war & the constitution by the Association of American Law Schools, 2002
  • Is there a constitutional claim to minimum funding of the courts