Sabouraud agar

Of Sabouraud - dextrose agar (or Sabouraud agar, SAB) is a frequently used, solid nutrient medium for growing molds, dermatophytes and yeasts (e.g. Candida spp.) In microbiological samples. In addition to 2 % agar to solidify the medium and 1-2 % peptone as a nutrient, the Sabouraud agar containing 4% glucose. The high levels of glucose ( dextrose = ) promotes the growth of microorganisms during the simultaneous growth of bacteria by an acidic pH of 5.6 is suppressed. The Sabouraud agar thus belongs to the so-called selective nutrient media. By further acidification or addition of cycloheximide, penicillin or streptomycin selective effect can be further increased.

The Sabouraud agar is incubated usually two days, with some dermatophytes up to three weeks at 22 ° C. Most molds and yeasts show at 37 ° C after one day identifiable colonies.

The medium is named after its inventor, the French bacteriologist Raymond Sabouraud.
