Salettes, Drôme

Salettes is a commune with 127 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2011 ) in the department of Drôme in the Rhône -Alpes; it belongs to the canton in the arrondissement of Nyons Dieulefit.


Salettes is located on an average altitude of 435 meters above sea level on the southern edge of the Drôme Provençale, 14 car kilometers northwest of Dieulefit and 22 kilometers east of Montelimar. The nearest towns are La Bégude -de- Mazenc, Le Poet-Laval and Eyzahut. The municipal area of the flow Ruisseau de Salettes, Ruisseau de Bramefaim and the Ruisseau de Mourgon.



Oldest documentary mention as Preceptoria Saliceti in 1219, 1695 as Saint Jean de Sallettes. It later fell to Guyon, and then at the papal possessions later Plèche, Lattier and finally Viennois At that time in possession of the Maltese Coming of Le Poet-Laval. The inhabitants are called Salettois or Salettoises.


  • Château du Normand, castle -like castle with two round towers.