Salpiglossis sinuata

Blooms of Salpiglossis sinuata

The trumpet tongue ( Salpiglossis sinuata ) is a plant of the genus trumpet tongues ( Salpiglossis ) in the nightshade family (Solanaceae ). The home of the often used as an ornamental plant type is the middle of Chile and Peru.


The trumpet tongue is a herbaceous plant which grows to a height of up to 1 m. The leaves of the species are mostly entire, only the lower exhibit occasionally a curved edge.

The flowers are very showy and not fragrant. The crowns have a diameter of up to 6 cm, bell- shaped, colored highly variable and heavily traversed by veins. The fertile stamens are deep in the corolla tube. In addition, a sterile Staminodium is formed, which is further forward in the corolla tube and has a stunted, 0.5 to 1 mm long anthers.

The chromosome number is x = 11 and n = 22


The main range of the species is located in the central Chile but extending partially to Peru. It grows in thickets, forest edges and as ruderal.


The trumpet tongue is often used in gardens in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere as an ornamental plant. She is from the first half of the 19th century culture, there are many varieties with different flower colors.

