Samuel Haberstich

Samuel Haberstich ( born October 7, 1821 in Ried bei Worb, † February 24, 1872 in Bern ), known under the pseudonym Arthur Bitter, was a Swiss writer and journalist.


He first worked as a secretary at a law agent and later got a job at the Registry of the Bernese Department of Finance. On the side he heard the legal and philosophical lectures at the University of Bern, came in contact with the politician Jakob Stämpfli and devoted himself from 1846 journalism. He was editor of various radical- liberal satire leaves (Swiss Charivari, Emmenthal Joggeli ), wrote as a columnist, among others at the Basler Nachrichten and the Neue Zürcher Zeitung and wrote a number of short stories, including the stories from the Emmental. In 1851 he was expelled for his political satires from the canton of Bern and lived in Solothurn, Murten and Zurich until 1856 he was allowed to return.


  • Stories, novellas and poems by Arthur Bitter, Bern 1865, 4 volumes